Exercise Equipment List

The 5/10/15 exercise plans are designed to use minimal equipment, and could even be modified for no equipment. 

Here is a list of the basic equipment optimal for use in The 5/10/15 exercise plans:

  • Dumbbells (DB): Dumbbells are used in every workout in The 5/10/15 exercise plans. It is recommended to have at least two to three sets of dumbbells (low, moderate, and heavy weight). The 5/10/15 exercise plans use moderate to high repetition ranges, so you will use lighter weight than you might normally use in the gym. 

    • For beginners, try 2 to 8 pound dumbbells

    • For moderate to advanced exercisers, you may want 5-20 pound weights

  • Stability Ball: This is used often in The 5/10/15 to add core training to your workout. Most exercises that require a stability ball can be performed on the floor, on a workout bench, or even a large ottoman.

  • Jump Rope: Inexpensive and easy to store and take anywhere, this is a staple everyone should have in their exercise tool kit. 

  • Mat: This is especially good when performing exercises on your knees or elbows. 

  • Kettlebells (KB): These are great tools to have. If new to exercise, choose a 5 or 10 pound bell to start. The KB exercises in The 5/10/15 can be done with a dumbbell if you don’t have a KB.

  • Weighted Slam Ball (no bounce): Another great tool to have, but dumbbells can be substituted for this in most of The 5/10/15 exercise plans.

  • Resistance Bands: These are incredibly versatile, provide opportunities for full body workouts, and travel well.


Kitchen Equipment List

