5/10/15 Minute Workout for the Week

Each circuit take approximately 5 minutes. You decide how long you workout today!

Equipment Needed: 


Dumbbells: light to moderate, heavy

Jump Rope

Stability Ball (optional)

Complete each 5 minute circuit without rest, if possible

Click on the exercise for a link to demo

Circuit One

Jump Rope - 45 sec

Stability Ball Hip Thrusters - 12-16 reps

(alternate - floor bridges with weight on hips)

Skaters - 45 sec-1 min

Plank - 45 sec to 1 min

Superman with pull - 10 reps

Rest - 45 seconds

Circuit Two

Jump rope - 45 sec

Squat to Curtsy Lunge -8-10 ea side

Walking planks on knees or toes - 8 ea side

Bird Dogs - 8-10 ea side

Bear Crawl - 8 reps

Rest - 45 seconds

Circuit Three

Mountain Climbers - 45 seconds

Squat twist - 8 ea side

Plank Blastoff - 10 reps

Deadlift with Dumbbell Row - 12-16

Air squats - 45 sec


The 5/10/15

Fuel, Energize, Unwind - on Your Time


Go Outside!


5/10/15 Workout of the Week