The Minimum

I love the gym. Especially in the morning. Its busy. Its motivating. And a good dose of the gym in the morning energizes me and puts me in the right frame of mind for the day. In a perfect world I could spend up to two hours in the gym indulging in workout, stretching, sauna…. Most days, though, I am happy to get in a 30 min workout and 15 min shower and dress for the day.

But I live in the real world, and there are days like today when that’s never gonna happen. Mornings like this one when I wake up exhausted. Mornings like this morning I have too much to do. This morning I don’t want to go at all, and that’s when I make a point to do the minimum. 

My minimum workout is a series of three or four exercises, at least two sets each. I chose exercises I have been doing for so long that the muscle memory is perfected to the point that I could do them in my sleep. Moves that I enjoy. Moves that make me feel good. And to be honest, moves that don’t make me sweat too much.  

Now don’t get me wrong, I push myself, but well within my comfort zone. I stick with the types of exercises that are simple and don’t require as much thought. 

Often that means using machines instead of freestanding exercises, minimizing the concentration factor. I don’t have to think about it: I can just do it and get it done.  

And I will confess: I often use that time to check my email, catch up on socials, or dictate my next blog post. Yes, sometimes I am that girl.

But today I showed up. I exercised. I worked on strengthening my muscles. I did something effective on a day I otherwise would rather stay in bed. So if you happen to see me on the leg press machine looking completely disinterested in exercise, or totally focused on a text conversation, you know my story.

And the next time you see that girl talking on the phone while slowly walking on the treadmill, or that guy, who seems more engrossed in his socials than he is in his abs; instead of making judgments or assumptions, give them a little credit for showing up. They could’ve stayed in bed.

What is your minimum? If you don’t have one, start thinking about it. Having a plan in place for days like this can help you stay focused and on track.




The 5/10/15

Fuel, Energize, Unwind - on Your Time 



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