But I Can Eat Anything I want….

But I can eat anything I want…..

We tend to think that right? We think that as long as we’re at our ideal weight, or exercising enough to burn the calories, what we put in our mouths isn’t that important. 


Yeah, it’s possible to keep our weight in check while eating at Micky D’s and Taco Hell every day, but what’s happening inside?

Excessive amounts of sodium, fat, sugar, and additives (found in processed foods, fast foods, and most restaurant and take-out foods), combined with a lack of optimal vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (found in whole foods), creates malnourishment. 

Mal = faulty, improper, or inadequate

Nourishment = the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition

There’s an established link between nutrition and the following chronic, life altering, and often deadly conditions: 

Insulin resistance / Type II Diabetes:  Saturated fat, Excess sugar (fructose)

Heart Disease and Stroke : Saturated fat, Sugar and refined carbohydrates, Excess sodium

Cancer : Excess sodium , Sugar and refined carbohydrates, Trans Fats

Kidney Disease: Excess sodium, Excess meat consumption

Liver Disease : Excess sugar (fructose),  Saturated fat

And, we’re learning more and more about the role of nutrition on the microbiome. Specifically, it's effect on the robustness of our immune system (for both strengthening our resistance to infections, and preventing autoimmune reactions).

Regardless of our size, what we eat has a profound effect on our health. It’s time to reassess our attitudes towards food and recognize that a ‘healthy diet’ is about so much more than just weight management.

We can be at our ‘ideal weight’, and be malnourished 

We can have the body of a sports model, and be malnourished

The quality of your diet is positively linked to the quality of your health and longevity.

The next time you’re thinking about getting takeout, think twice. And if you’re looking for ideas on how to eat healthy on a short time budget, subscribe to The 5/10/15, where you’ll find all the tools you need, sent to you each week.

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