Is It Really Enough?

Regular exercise, independent of other factors, has been linked to increasing both lifespan (how long we live), and healthspan (how long we live without disease and disability). It’s a powerful tool for increasing our longevity- by reducing our risk factors for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cancer, and reducing our risk of death from all causes.

According to the CDC’s Physical Guidelines for Americans, adults need 150 minutes of moderate aerobic physical activity, and two days of strength training per week. That’s 30 minutes a day. Sounds easy enough, right? So why are the majority of Americans not meeting this goal? The most common reasons reported for not starting an exercise plan are:

#1 Not enough time

#2 Not enough money

#3 Not enough know-how

Finding 30 minutes a day to devote to exercise is difficult for a lot of us. How many times have you created a plan to hit the gym every day at 6:00 am, only to feel completely overwhelmed with the commitment on day one?

Overwhelm from overcommitting is one of the biggest reasons a well intended exercise plan stops short. 

That’s why the 5/10/15 plan is so perfect. Thirty minutes may feel like too much all at once. The good news is that we can actually achieve benefits in much less time. According to human performance/exercise physiology researcher Dr. Mike Joyner, ‘the biggest benefit people get healthwise (from exercise), is in the first 10 to 15 minutes’. This includes increased insulin sensitivity (think- diabetes prevention and management), increased health of our blood vessels, improvements in blood pressure, and weight loss. This translates into a healthier, more vital, robust future.

But even five minutes of physical activity can create significant improvements in our health. (See research links below)

The first step is showing up!

Can you commit to five minutes a day?

Small behaviors, done consistently, create habits you can build on.

So what’s stopping you?

Can’t afford a gym membership? You don’t need one with The 5/10/15. Just a small space in your home, apartment gym, office space, or local park, and a few pieces of equipment you probably already have in the back of your closet!

Feeling insecure about your exercise IQ? The 5/10/15 uses simple compound exercises to work every body part, and provides you with video demos so you can master the moves quickly.

Don’t think you enjoy exercise? The 5/10/15 uses a mix of high intensity, low intensity, and strength training moves to make every workout interesting and exciting, leaving you feeling better than when you started. (And you’re finished in minutes!)

Too tired? Too much sitting and inactivity causes fatigue. Stress causes fatigue. Regular exercise increases circulation, reduces stress, and improves sleep. The 5/10/15 exercises are just what you need to give you the energy to enjoy your day!

Worried you have to be a master yogi to fully embrace stress management? The 5/10/15 Unwinders will surprise you. We give you simple things you can do everyday to bring more peace into your world. No formal training required!

No cooking skills? You won’t need them. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated. The 5/10/15 will teach you how to make delicious foods without much effort.

Need motivation? The 5/10/15 Weekly (newsletter) offers new workouts, recipes, and relaxation practices that you can do in your local gym, home, or office space, in as little as five minutes a day. You also receive weekly motivators-words of wisdom, ‘willpower’ hacks, and encouragement to help you along the way.

So join us at The 5/10/15, where you’ll find the tools to help you fuel, energize, and unwind, on your time.

For more info:

The 5/10/15

Fuel, Energize, Unwind - on Your time


But I Can Eat Anything I want….