
Laughter is the best medicine. It….

  • Causes the suppression of cortisol, epinephrine, and other chemicals involved in the stress response

  • Encourages energizing dopamine, calming serotonin, and increases the release of endorphins that suppress the stress response

  • Relieves muscle tension

  • Stimulates your heart and lungs, as it requires deeper breathing

  • Stimulates the release of antibodies, strengthening your immune system

  • Strengthens your cardiovascular system by causing rapid increases in heart rate followed by relaxation

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Improves pain tolerance

  • Distracts you from whatever is stressing you, allowing for physical recovery of stress

  • Improves connection, when shared with others

Most of the time, laughter is unplanned. It happens when we aren’t expecting it. A coworker tells a joke, a friend acts goofy, or a child says something hilarious. 

We don’t always think about laughing when we are stressed, or feeling depressed. But this is the best time to laugh. 

Laughter therapy is safe, non-invasive, has no unwanted side effects, doesn't have to cost anything, and is accessible and available to everyone

Even forcing a fake laugh can create the same positive benefits that spontaneous laughter provides

5 Minute Unwinder Challenge: 

If you just have 5 minutes, turn to something funny when you need it: 

  • Download a joke app, like Laugh my App Off, or Dad Jokes

  • Decorate your work space, or you refrigerator with funny pictures of your friends and family

  • Create an album in your phone of funny photos and videos of your friends and family, to turn to when you need a laugh

  • Search for ‘funny desk calendars’ on to find a long list of desk calendars that provide a laugh a day. Order one for your workspace or bedroom dresser

  • Follow funny meme accounts on social media

  • Start a ritual of texting jokes back and forth with your friends daily

10 Minute Unwinder Challenge:

If you have 10 minutes:

  • Search for and subscribe to several comedy podcasts that you can listen to when in the car, walking from your car to your office, grocery shopping, workout out, etc. Check out these suggestions from

  • Watch clips from AFV, or Just for Laughs on Youtube

  • Close your eyes and relive a moment that made you laugh until you cried

15 Minute Unwinder Challenge:

If you have 15 minutes (or more):

  • Phone a friend / family member. Ask them about the most embarrassing moment they’ve had in the past month

  • Watch part of a comedy special on your favorite streaming app

  • Read a comedy memoir- it won’t disappoint. Here’s a list of recommendations from 

  • Consider ending your day with a 30 minute comedy on your streaming platform. Ending your day with a laugh could help you sleep better - which is a double bonus!

If stress is a part of your daily life and interfering with your sleep, your relationships, or your health, consider adding more funny into your life- you won’t regret it.


Therapeutic Benefits of Laughter for Mental Health

How Laughter Can Relieve Stress

Benefits of Laughing

The 5/10/15

Fuel, Energize, Unwind - on Your Time


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